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Davies Dermatomes (TCM 3000 BL)

Ditambahkan pada: 12 June 2017 / Kategori:
Kode : TCM3000BL
Berat : 300 gram
Stok : Ready Stock
Dilihat : 6.004 kali
Review : Belum ada review
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Deskripsi Davies Dermatomes (TCM 3000 BL)


Product Description:
The Davies Dermatomes TCM 3000 BL control unit is manufactured by Nouvag of Switzerland and is a microprocessor controlled motor system for dermatology, ENT, implantology and surgery. In addition to powering the dermatome, the standard E-type coupling accepts any E-type contra angle and hand piece enabling it to be used for drilling, milling and grinding.
Both the Davies Dermatome and the TCM 3000 BL motor unit are designed to be low maintenance. To keep in perfect working order, it is recommended that the dermatome is serviced and calibrated 1-2 times per year depending on use and the motor is serviced once a year.?Servicing is performed by Phoenix Surgical SA (PTY) Ltd. With the unit collected and returned via air freight to minimise down time.

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Ready Stock / 1986

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